I'd write a review, but I stink at movie reviews. Stink!
Check out the DVD if you get a chance and are looking for a moody cop drama that takes place over the course of one day.
And speaking of moody, Johnny Depp is not bad in From Hell, a Jack the Ripper "based" adaptation of Alan Moore's comic of the same name. That's Alan Moore of "Batman: The Killing Joke", "Swamp Thing," "The Watchmen" and a ton of other good stuff.
If you're familiar with Alan Moore's work, you won't be surprised that From Hell is blunt, brutal but not completely without compassion. It takes off wildly from the "ripper" theme, and enjoyably so. Depp is good as the inspector who is "chasing the dragon" for visions having to do with his cases and gets a little too close to the Ripper case for his own safety. Especially good if you like these victorian era movies. Has a little bit of that Bram Stoker's Dracula feel, mixed with Se7en.
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