CALL TO PROTECT - Domestic violence is a devastating problem in our society. Here's a small thing you might be able to do to help, which I only learned about recently.
This organization can allow you to help, if you've got cell phones you have replaced which ar eno longer useful to you. Proceeds from the sale of phones help fund agencies that fight domestic violence. Other phones are refurbished and become lifelines for domestic violence victims when faced with an emergency situation.
This comes at an opportune time for me, as I have 2 phones languishing in the house.
This organization can allow you to help, if you've got cell phones you have replaced which ar eno longer useful to you. Proceeds from the sale of phones help fund agencies that fight domestic violence. Other phones are refurbished and become lifelines for domestic violence victims when faced with an emergency situation.
This comes at an opportune time for me, as I have 2 phones languishing in the house.
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