
[NEWS] - Human Rights Standards, Not So Important in Columbian Military Aid - Bush is going to ask congress to start funnelling more money to the Columbian military and forget human rights.
The Bush administration plans to ask Congress next week to remove all restrictions on U.S. military aid to Colombia, including those that limit assistance to counter-narcotics efforts, impose human rights standards on the Colombian military and cap the number of U.S. military personnel in the country, administration and congressional sources said.

The whole thing is disturbing, but if the Columbian military has so much trouble adhering to human rights, why do we want to give them more weapons, more power and a longer leash?
Broader aid for Colombia sought / Administration wants Congress to lift limits on U.S. involvement
[FUNNY] - The 101 Dumbest Moments in Business - I have to admit it. I love "dumb." Dumb moments in history, in business, stories of dumb criminals, you name it. Here's a list of the dumbest business decisions from Business 2.0.

It mentions Steve Ballmer's "monkey boy dance" incident. For sheer surreaility if you haven't already seen it, you must rush right out and see the video some creative Mac user made of the Steve Ballmer footage. It is entitled "Ballmerfunk Music Video".
[WEIRD] - Speaking of Ghost Photography - Here's an example of what's out there in the ghost photog world. I use this link as an example because the picture is obviously a photo taken by a child through a fish tank. He got his reflection, and a picture of a fish, which really gives it away. Look at the ridiculous discussion in the comments section of this page. There are people who are actually willing to believe that this is a ghostly picture. Despite that fish floating around to the right. Remarkable. Ghostly Boy or Double Exposure?


[PHILOSOPHY] - Are your beliefs consistent? - Battleground God puts you to the test. Answer the questions to determine whether your beliefs about god are internally consistent, or whether they logically contradict each other. I'm an agnostic with atheist leanings, but I try to be consistent.
Take the test and let me know whether an answer tripped you up!
[WEIRD] - Crazy Digital Camera Returns From The Dead - When this fellow fished his camera from the bottom of a pond, he suspected it was a goner. Instead it is posessed. Read: Lawrence Journal-World: Unexpected images
A refreshing change from hoax ghost photography.


[FOOD] - Steak on the cheap - I'd never heard of steak cut research before, but apparently some folk out there are experimenting with new types of steak cuts. he recent results are cheaper cuts of steak that are purportedly just as good as a New York Strip. The one that is getting the most attention is the "Flat Iron Steak." If your local market doesn't carry it yet, the following articles tells you how to but a cheap blade roast and cut one or two of these steaks yourself. The Flat Iron Steak
For more info: The Flat Iron Steak -- Merchandising Information and Cutting Instructions
[HUMOR] - What's wrong with that guy? Is he blind or something? - On a tip I got from Patti I went looking and found this story about Bush's excitement upon seeing Stevie Wonder. Please click the link and just scroll to the bottom and read the last paragraph. Make sure you swallow your beverage first. One Toke Over the Harvard Line? (washingtonpost.com)


[FINANCE] - Buying a car is a pain in the neck, but it doesn't have to be. - The Motley Fool has good car-buying advice on its website, including a method for negotiating a deal on your target car that doesn't even involve you leaving your house. This method separates you from nearly all of the pressure which takes place at the dealership. Check out: Fool.com: Buying a Car


[PERSONAL] - Margaret has entered the New Bedford Half Marathon - So, my SO has progressed to the half-marathon. I'm still afraid to run more than 2.5 miles and aggravate my shins. I have a suspicion that I won't be running in any 5 mile race on the 4th, but we'll see what happens. Perhaps Maggie can motivate me with her success completing this 13.1 mile race on Sunday. Think of her on Sunday! : New Bedford Half Marathon (We're hoping there are no dogs on the course. At least Maggie is vaccinated now.)


[SCIENCE] - Closer To Truth - Why Is Quantum Physics Beautiful? "Closer To Truth" has done a show on the beauty and applications of quantum physics. Five scientists discuss quantum physics in a way meant to explain its importance and elegance. The web link includes a link to the show itself which can be viewed online.