Geurilla Advertising - is reporting that Sony Ericsson is hiring beuatiful people to get in the trenches and pose as couples to get the man-on-the-street to take their picture with this new telephone. If asked, the couple will not hide that they work for the company, but I find this to be an interesting development in marketing. Next thing you know they'll be planting guys at bars recommending specific brands of beer, pretzels and condoms.
LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD - Check out this site with interactive politically-inspired art. It's aimed at Bush and Tony Blair.
Worth a trip. Don't forget to click on the little squares near the bottom. They switch the animation among 5 different themes. Bush Wordfinder is pretty funny.
Worth a trip. Don't forget to click on the little squares near the bottom. They switch the animation among 5 different themes. Bush Wordfinder is pretty funny.

This last weekend we enjoyed Japanese fighting kites for the first time while local dojos showed off the moves of their best students in a variety of martial arts. All this, and the taiko drum show, took place in Newport’s under-reconstruction Fort Adams.
Sumo Sushi – a popular sushi bar in Newport – was there with a cart selling California maki rolls. Maggie and I tried them and a new passion was born. I knew I was going to have to try more sushi, but also was going to have to try to make it myself. My first attempt was crabmeat and cucumber, and we’re very pleased with the result.
I’ve made a bunch more now and am taking them around to have other people sample them. We’ll get some 3rd party opinions. Anyone out there like sushi?
On Sunday of this weekend we decided to start adding more Omega 3’s to our diet with salmon. Never having cooked it before, I consulted some friends at EAForums who always seem to have a good recommendation or two no matter what the subject. On their recommendation I sautéed the fish in lots of garlic and ginger, with a teriyaki sauce. Served with zucchini and onion stir fry, it was pretty amazing, The crust that the garlic made on the surface of the salmon was melt-in-your-mouth good. When are some of you folks coming down for dinner? I can work out a menu that will knock your socks off.